In the early years, with the help of some friends, we cultivated land in the area of Viterbo to upgrade and enhance the territory, to produce quality organic products and thus obtain the funds to finance the start of the first humanitarian activities in Burundi. This activity was carried out until 2010 producing extra-virgin olive oil, vegetables and wine. The wine production has allowed the recovery of local autochthonous vines (Bello e Piciocchione).

We currently deal with social organic farming, particularly in collaboration with the network of Solcare  companies (   “it focuses on Work, Care, Attention to those who struggle to find their autonomy, through a sustainable and attentive to the environment agriculture, which generates constructive relations between people, organisations and institutions, with a view to the common good”.

Certainly one of the objectives is to encourage the integration of disadvantaged people into employment, thereby improving their quality of life.


Marco Sciarpa +39 328 36 78 457