Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. N. Mandela
Development is the new name of Peace. Saint Paolo VI
Cultural initiatives for all age groups, on the themes of peace education and globalization:
- Itinerant educational workshops
- Integrated theatre workshops
- “Teatro dell’Oppresso” and theatre forum
- Training course for the Missionary Journey to Tanzania
- Travel with us!
- Photography exhibitions
- Conferences
It is possible to organize experiential didactic courses on demand, managed with an interactive, dynamic, fun and successful methodology; thematic meetings and testimonies; request the installation of the photo exhibition “The most beautiful flowers in Africa”.
Particularly we deal with:
- poverty, the unequal distribution of wealth, the North-South divide
- the causes of migration, forgotten wars, child labour, educational poverty, health poverty, climate change, the burden of inequalities
- diversity and interculture
- lifestyles, critical consumption and protection of creation
- cooperation and sustainable development
- Aid for life onlus projects in Africa
- mission and missionary journey as an opportunity for personal growth and as a gif
Don’t esitate to contact us for more informations!
Vanessa Renato +39 349 669 7795