In the Democratic Republic of Congo one of the most serious humanitarian crisis in the world is taking place, with the civil war that caused, since 1998,  more than 4 million deaths. Decades of dictatorship and  indiscriminate exploitation of the resources have reduced to the collapse the institutions. State can’t provide the essential social services, many families are displaced to the cities, particularly to the capital Kinshasa.

Poverty and the conflict consequences have increased the number of street

children, war and ebola orphans and ex child soldiers.

Every day more children, even very young, are estranged from their families that cannot take care of them.

According to some statistics just in the capital city there are more than 13.800 street children.



In Congo, Aid for Life supports the work of sister Marie Judith Mafuoa  of the Congregation of The Sisters of the Good Sheperd. In Butembo, in the north of Kivu, a very suffering area of the country, sister Judith is tenderly taking care of the street children, orphans and abandoned. Children and young people are guests of the Divine Providence House and of Mapendo House.

In a land torn by violence, suffering and a tragic ebola epidemy, sister Judith works with the help of the combonian missionary father Eliseo Tacchella and with the support of  friends and  benefactors.


2020′ s Easter Wishes 



Corona Virus Desease 2019



To learn more about:


Read  here the Vatican News article about Sister Judith: the angel of street children of North Kivu!


Watch here a recent tv report about Mapendo House!


Watch here the video interview at Mapendo House in September 2018, with daily life scenes!



For further informations:

Tonino Procaccini +39 340 2831628