The Distance Adoption (DAS) is an act of solidarity that permits to a child who is  orphan and/or in material, physical or mental difficulties to get help in his home country thanks to the commitment to send through the association, a small, steady and continuous contribution.

The main objective is to ensure fundamental human rights  such as health, food, family and school care.

Particularly, we strive to ensure that children can attend and complete the school course  because we believe that education is essential for their future.

At present we are activating further distance adoptions in Tanzania, where we are engaged in the education School and Health Center Mapinga Project.

Individuals, groups, parishes, who intend to engage concretely in the fight against poverty and give hope for a better future  to a child who would otherwise have no chance, can join the DAS project.

Aid for life assures to send the help to the child and to accompany, through the local referents, his/her growth and  school path, in total transparency.

For more informations:

Barbara Lanzi +39 392 23 66 908/ 349 75 07 054
